All About Snakes

Written and illustrated by Galia Baz Cocco (Age 9)

Raúl Baz S.
El Blog de Galia Baz Cocco
4 min readJun 6, 2018


Table of contents:

  1. All about page
  2. Intro
  3. Are you a snake
  4. Snake’s life
  5. Types of snakes
  6. Body Snakes

1. All about page

Riviera Maya, México, January 2013

Galia was born in the Dominican Republic. When she was little her family took her to the zoo and then she saw a snake. She started touching her skin and she got interesting . So she chosed snakes as her topic.

2. Intro

Dear Reader,

I think you will like this book, becaus you will find surprising facts about snakes. When you read the first page you will find if you are a snake. I will be greatful if this book is useful.

2. Are you a snake?

If you are a snake you are always slithering around on the ground. That means you do not have arms or legs. You only have a long and straight body. Also, if you are a snake you sometimes eat food bigger than your head!!!

3. Snake’s life (part 1 & 2)

A lot of snakes spend their day hunting for food and killing. You should never play with a snake. They might bite you, and you could even die. Snakes eat mostly rats and mice. Not all snakes hunt in the day, some…

.. snakes hunt in the day, some snakes hunt at night. After eating, a snake will hide and rest.

4. Types of snakes (part 1 & 2)

There are many types of snakes in the world and I will name a few.

One type of snake is the sunbeam snake, which has a beautiful skin that shines in the sunlight. The second snake I am going to name is the big squeeze that is one of the biggest, longest and strongest snakes in the world. Another type of snake is called the deadly Cobra. Off all snakes in the world, the Deadly Cobra is one of the most frightening snakes in the world. The next snake I am going to name is….

…the rattle snake. This snake is one of the fastest killers in the animal world. The fourth snake I am going to name is the most colorful snake, but it does not drink milk only, but its name. In the hot jungles of Asia lives the amazing Flying Snake. This beautiful animal can go into the air from tree to tree. Lastly, is the impressive looking snake which lives in the jungles of South America.

5. Baby snakes

Snakes lay their eggs in warm places. When snakes are born they are not male or female. Baby snakes cannot be hunted. Do you remember when I told you about snakes laying eggs in a warm place? They also need to lay their eggs in a safe place because then they will be hunted.

The End



Raúl Baz S.
El Blog de Galia Baz Cocco

Abogado en mi vida pasada, Comunicólogo + Mercadólogo + Periodista Digital + Psicólogo en esta, y personaje de ficción en la próxima.